About Us



My name is Kate and my dad and I are the co-inventors of the CoopWorx Feed Silo. 

I started raising backyard birds shortly after moving to Northeast Ohio, and quickly found I was struggling with feed waste and spoilage, especially during during the winter.

I tried different DIY solutions, which helped but didn't solve all of the issues. So, my dad and I joined forces and met with Industrial Designer, Brad Forest, of Idea Logic, to reimagine the design of the traditional chicken feeder.

My dad, Tom Carter, owner of Expogo Displays & Graphics Inc, has been an entrepreneur and product developer for over 30 years. He and my brother, TJ, successfully developed and launched the MagSlide Magnesium Guitar Slide on KickStarter in 2017.   I am excited to work with my dad and family on our next KickStarter Campaign.

My backyard coop life has changed so much for the better. I can now take the work out of carrying, cleaning up and storing feed and spend more time enjoying my chickens.  Chicken math made easier. 

We hope you will be part of our KickStarter and be the first to receive your Feed Silo when we begin shipping. Let CoopWorx be the game changer for you too.

Thank you for your time,

Kate Carter


Enjoy the Coop Life.

Backyard Strong.