We didn't think we had critters going after our feed, until we did! These covers are easy to install and keep your valuable feed from going to waste. We keep them in a mesh bag on a tree next to the feed.
They don’t stay in and chickens pull them out
Hi Darlene,
I am sorry you are having a problem with your feed port covers. We designed them so that they flex when you squeeze the handle in the middle so when you insert them in all the way they snap into a recess on the inside of the feed ports. We designed them to keep racoons and other critters out at night.
Please check and make sure they are pushed in all the way. Feel free to give me a call on my cell at 910-233-0502 with any questions.
We had tree rats getting into our feeder at night, no more...just pop in the covers and no more rats. Thank you for a wonderful product.
Hi Wayne,
Thansk for letting us know the port covers are helping with the rodent problem at night.
It took a minute to figure out how to put these in without popping out but once I realized they are directional they stayed snug, keeps out the critters that visit my run at night. A must have for my set up.
Hi Rennee, we are so glad your port covers are helping! Thank you for the update, enjoy the Coop Life!